About Us

Peace of Mind is invaluable

Defender Defender is a GPS/GSM based motion sensor security system that provides: pinpoint tracking accuracy, automated responsive alert  notifications, unparalleled service levels and the best customer controls on  the market.   Our proactive system will activate and alert the user the moment any disturbance is detected in the vehicle. Movements without the key in the ignition, forced entry through doors or windows, or if your vehicle leaves a predetermined geo-zone, will all trigger the device.   In 2014, 745 defenders were reported stolen with just 28.32% of these vehicles being recovered. The vast majority of the unrecovered Landovers had reported the absence of any extra security measures. Defender Defender endeavour to diminish the total number of defenders stolen in 2016 with an ambition to aid an improvement in the police vehicle recovery rate. Through the use of our mobile app, we strive to prevent the abduction of any vehicle fitted with our product. In the unlikely circumstances that you were to lose immediate possession of your defender, we have such confidence in our visual live feed tracking system that your vehicle will be recovered.   Defender Defender is a sister company to Gloucester Landrover: a dealership  with many years experience, primarily trading in defenders. Check us out at www.gloucesterlandrover.com. We understand that every Defender is unique, with the majority of owners opting to add both mechanical and visual extras. With this in mind, we feel it is more than justifiable that you would want to take extra measures to protect your pride and joy.   Unfortunately, the ever-increasing value of the Landrover Defender, coupled with a very basic standard of security measures, provides an easy opportunity for professional vehicle thieves to successfully steal a very valuable possession.    Steering locks, pedal covers, fuel switches are common methods used to delay the theft of a vehicle however they do not provide the same features as the Defender Defender device. Unlike the old fashioned delay tactics, Defender Defender offers an alert system prior to abduction and assisted vehicle retrieval post abduction. The science involved in our security system is proven technology; GPS tracking software has been reported as the most successful way of monitoring vehicle location.    Our product is unique because it combines monitoring and other various features that are controlled via our personalised mobile app. Our in-house specialised IT team are responsible for several key adaptations which have made these features function in a Land Rover Defender for the very first time.   Our system can be fitted in to any vehicle with all features working to full effect. Not only a tracking device but also an all inclusive security system, Defender Defender provides all customers with the luxury to now enjoy the time spent away from their Defender as well as all those memorable hours sat behind the wheel.
defenderdefender 2016
defenderdefender 2016 terms & conditions